L'élaboration des projets et les méthodes de recherche : un aperçu

Rapports disponibles (en anglais seulement)

  1. Better Beginnings, Better Futures: An Integrated Model of Primary Prevention of Emotional and Behavioural Problems (1990)
    • Rapport complet (185 pages) :
  2. The Development of the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Integrated Model for Primary Prevention (1993)
    • Rapport complet (66 pages, 436ko) : PDF
    • Sommaire exécutif (18 pages, 70ko) : PDF
  3. Communities Coming Together: Proposal Development in the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project (1993)
    • Rapport complet (50 pages, 482ko) : PDF
    • Sommaire exécutif (8 pages, 162ko) : PDF
  4. Model, Program and Research Overview (1994)
    • Rapport complet (50 pages) : 
  5. Vue d'ensemble du modèle, des programmes et de la recherche (1994)
    • Rapport complet (50 pages): 

Articles publiés

  1. Crooks, Claire V., & Peters, Ray DeV. (2005). Predicting Academic Difficulties: Does a Complex, Multidimensional Model Outperform a Unidimensional Teacher Rating Scale? Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 37(3), 170-180. PDF ou Demander une copie
  2. Burke, S.O., & Gerlach, J.A. (2001). Using hospitalization data to describe effects of community-based primary prevention programs in communities at socio-economic risk. In Swan, W. (Ed.) Forward to basics: Health economics in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Health Economics Research Association. (Selected, refereed, full papers from the 7th CHERA conference in 1997) pp. 257-281. Demander une copie
  3. Burke, S.O., & Gerlach, J.A. (1998). Using hospitalization data to describe effects of community-based primary prevention programs. Children and families in an era of rapid change. Washington, DC: Administration on Children, Youth and Families. Demander une copie
  4. Peters, R. DeV. (1996). Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project: Research Overview. Canada's Children, 3(1), 15-20. Demander une copie
  5. Peters, R. DeV., & Russell, C.C. (1996). Promoting Development and Preventing Disorder: The Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project. Chapter in Peters, R.DeV. & McMahon, R.J. (Eds). Preventing childhood disorders, substance abuse and delinquency. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers. Demander une copie
  6. Diallo, L., & Reitsma-Street, M. (1995). Strategies de survie et d'identité: les dynamiques culturelles dans un projet d'intervention en prevention. Reflets: Revue Ontarioise d'intervention sociale et communautaire, 1(1), 43-69. Demander une copie
  7. Peters, R. DeV. (1994). Better Beginnings, Better Futures: A Community-Based Approach to Primary Prevention. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 13(2), 183-188. Demander une copie
  8. Reitsma-Street, M. & Arnold, R. (1994). Community-Based Action Research in a Multi-Site Prevention Project: Challenges and Resolutions. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 13(2), 229-240. Demander une copie
  9. Sylvestre, J.C., Pancer, S.M., Brophy, K. & Cameron, G. (1994). The Planning and Implementation of Government-Sponsored Community-Based Primary Prevention: A Case Study. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 13(2), 189-195. Demander une copie
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